Új egyensúly szikla és ember között : Védőtetõ a régészeti romok számára = Equilibrium Between Rock and People : Covering Archaeological Abbey Ruins

Wettstein, Domonkos (2019) Új egyensúly szikla és ember között : Védőtetõ a régészeti romok számára = Equilibrium Between Rock and People : Covering Archaeological Abbey Ruins. METSZET, 10 (7). pp. 28-33. ISSN 2061-2710

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The cliffside site for this abbey was chosen about 1500 years ago for its defendable location, unfortunately regular rock falls have continually damaged the buildings and endangered life. Therefore the architect opted to design a structure which actively expresses this danger, a "steel and stone roof" that catches falling rocks. The nature of this project being somewhat traumatic stands to remind visitors that one can not defeat gravity, the power of nature or spirituality and everyone can visit these monumental ruins in the knowledge that it is possible to understand the meaning behind "Take Up Thy Cross and Follow Me".

Item Type: Article
Subjects: N Fine Arts / képzőművészet > NA Architecture / építészet
Depositing User: Pál Csanády
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2020 13:18
Last Modified: 25 Mar 2020 13:18

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