The possible introduction of financial instruments with regard to the financial needs in the agri-food business

Domán, Csaba and Lámfalusi, Ibolya and Lukicsik Bojtárné, Mónika and Vásáry, Miklós (2016) The possible introduction of financial instruments with regard to the financial needs in the agri-food business. GRADUS, 3 (1). pp. 335-340. ISSN 2064-8014


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Hungary is planning the introduction of repayable subsidies for the agricultural, food and fishery sectors for the 2014-2020 period in order to expand the financial opportunities. Financial instruments can be taken by enterprises who are profitable but = for any reason (eg. size, lack of funds) ~ they are not able to obtain other market sources of funding. In order to localize this group of businesses we made a GAP analysis. During analysis our hypothesis was confirmed that the area based subsidies have protected certain agricultural sectors from the effects of the crisis. In agriculture the small and medium size enterprises (SME's) and individual farmers, in the food industry also the SME's, and in the fishery industry also the ‘SME's are identified as business groups who are not able to or hardly able to be financed by market sources of funding. The reasons for the sub-optimal financing situation are primarily the size, the lower than average but still positive profitability, lack of funds, and the lack of documentation for individual farmers can cause the failure of the credit rating.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Financial instruments, GAP-analysis, Loan, Structure of sources, Profitability
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > H Social Sciences (General) / társadalomtudomány általában
Depositing User: Zoltán Subecz
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2020 12:39
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2023 06:50

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