A Discrete Convex Min-Max Formula for Box-TDI Polyhedra

Frank, András and Murota, Kazuo (2022) A Discrete Convex Min-Max Formula for Box-TDI Polyhedra. MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 47 (2). pp. 1026-1047. ISSN 0364-765X


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A min-max formula is proved for the minimum of an integer-valued separable discrete convex function where the minimum is taken over the set of integral elements of a box total dual integral (box-TDI) polyhedron. One variant of the theorem uses the notion of conjugate function (a fundamental concept in non-linear optimization) but we also provide another version that avoids conjugates, and its spirit is conceptually closer to the standard form of classic min-max theorems in combinatorial optimization. The presented framework provides a unified background for separable convex minimization over the set of integral elements of the intersection of two integral base-polyhedra, submodular flows, L-convex sets, and polyhedra defined by totally unimodular (TU) matrices. As an unexpected application, we show how a wide class of inverse combinatorial optimization problems can be covered by this new framework.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 90C27, 90C25, 90C10
Uncontrolled Keywords: Min-max formula, Discrete convex function, Combinatorial inverse problem, Integral base-polyhedron, M-convex set, Total dual integrality
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 16 Sep 2022 11:57
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2022 11:57

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