Extensive Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Type IIP Supernova 2013ej

Dhungana, G. and Kehoe, R. and Vinkó, József and Silverman, J. M. and Wheeler, J. C. and Bíró, Imre Barna and Borkovits, Tamás and Hegedüs, Tibor and Kelemen, János and Marschalkó, Gábor and Molnár, László and Nagy, Andrea and Pál, András and Sárneczky, Krisztián and Szakáts, Róbert and Szalai, Tamás and Szegedi-Elek, Elza and Székely, Péter and Szing, Attila and Vida, Krisztián (2016) Extensive Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Type IIP Supernova 2013ej. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 822 (1). ISSN 1538-4357

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We present extensive optical (UBV RI, {g}<sup>\prime </sup>{r}<sup>\prime </sup>{i}<sup>\prime </sup>{z}<sup>\prime </sup>, and open CCD) and near-infrared (ZY JH) photometry for the very nearby Type IIP SN 2013ej extending from +1 to +461 days after shock breakout, estimated to be MJD 56496.9 ± 0.3. Substantial time series ultraviolet and optical spectroscopy obtained from +8 to +135 days are also presented. Considering well-observed SNe IIP from the literature, we derive UBV RIJHK bolometric calibrations from UBV RI and unfiltered measurements that potentially reach 2% precision with a B ‑ V color-dependent correction. We observe moderately strong Si ii λ 6355 as early as +8 days. The photospheric velocity ({v}<sub>{{ph</sub>}}) is determined by modeling the spectra in the vicinity of Fe ii λ 5169 whenever observed, and interpolating at photometric epochs based on a semianalytic method. This gives {v}<sub>{{ph</sub>}}=4500+/- 500 km s<sup>‑1</sup> at +50 days. We also observe spectral homogeneity of ultraviolet spectra at +10–12 days for SNe IIP, while variations are evident a week after explosion. Using the expanding photosphere method, from combined analysis of SN 2013ej and SN 2002ap, we estimate the distance to the host galaxy to be {9.0}<sub>-0.6</sub><sup>+0.4</sup> Mpc, consistent with distance estimates from other methods. Photometric and spectroscopic analysis during the plateau phase, which we estimated to be 94 ± 7 days long, yields an explosion energy of 0.9+/- 0.3× {10}<sup>51</sup> erg, a final pre-explosion progenitor mass of 15.2 ± 4.2 {M}<sub>ȯ </sub> and a radius of 250 ± 70 {R}<sub>ȯ </sub>. We observe a broken exponential profile beyond +120 days, with a break point at +183 ± 16 days. Measurements beyond this break time yield a <sup>56</sup>Ni mass of 0.013 ± 0.001 M {}<sub>ȯ </sub>.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: supernovae: general; techniques: photometric; Galaxies: distances and redshifts; supernovae: individual: SN 2013ej;
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > Q1 Science (General) / természettudomány általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 12 Jul 2023 14:15
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2023 14:15

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