National and Ethnic Minorities in Hungary in the Period 2001–2011 – Ethno-Demographic Trends as Reflected in the Census Data

Tóth, Ágnes and Vékás, János (2014) National and Ethnic Minorities in Hungary in the Period 2001–2011 – Ethno-Demographic Trends as Reflected in the Census Data. STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, 92 (17). pp. 95-112. ISSN 0039-0690


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The 2011 census data indicate that the number of people identifying ties with one or more of the thirteen minorities listed in the Minorities Act increased by one and a half times (146%) compared with 2001. Overall, the increase was greatest (177%) for the question concerning ethnicity and was a little less notable (138%) with regard to the language used in the family and among friends. There was even a slight growth in the number of native speakers of minority languages (109%). In the study the authors examine the changes that have occurred in the basic demographics of Hungary’s minorities over the past ten years.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > H Social Sciences (General) / társadalomtudomány általában
Depositing User: Veronika Tamás
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2015 15:41
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2019 23:15

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