Bewegte Eigennamen. Namenintegration und Namentranslation im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Ungarisch [Mozgalmas nevek. Névintegráció és névközvetítés német–magyar nyelvpárban]. Habilitációs értekezés összefoglalója = Moving Proper Names. Integration of Names and German-Hungarian Name Translation. A Summary of a Habilitation Dissertation

Szilágyi-Kósa, Anikó (2023) Bewegte Eigennamen. Namenintegration und Namentranslation im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Ungarisch [Mozgalmas nevek. Névintegráció és névközvetítés német–magyar nyelvpárban]. Habilitációs értekezés összefoglalója = Moving Proper Names. Integration of Names and German-Hungarian Name Translation. A Summary of a Habilitation Dissertation. NÉVTANI ÉRTESÍTŐ, 45. pp. 157-160. ISSN 0139-2190 (nyomtatott); 2064-7484 (elektronikus)


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After a theoretical introduction, some processes of Hungarian-German (spontaneous) name integration are presented on the basis of German settlement names and microtoponyms in Hungary, and changes in Hungarian surnames in Germany and German surnames in Hungary. This is followed by a summary of the language policy principles and practices of German name use in Hungary. The second major chapter of the study presents the translatological issues of proper names on the basis of the HungarianGerman and German-Hungarian mediation of different types of names (personal names, toponyms, institutional names). Special focus is given to the translation strategies of proper names in literary works. The last major chapter of the study is devoted to the lexicographical presentation of proper names. In this section, the practices of general bilingual dictionaries and cultural dictionaries are presented, and dictionaries of the Hungarian-German language pair are described. The study provides a wide range of examples of how differently prototypical and peripheral proper nouns behave in translation tied to language contacts.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: place names, personal names, bilingualism, German-Hungarian linguistic contacts, translation of proper names, German as source and target language, lexicography of proper names, applied onomastics
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > P0 Philology. Linguistics / filológia, nyelvészet > P321.8-P323.5 Etimology, Onomastics / etimológia, onomasztika (névtan)
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 09 Apr 2024 07:36
Last Modified: 09 Apr 2024 07:36

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