Continuous distribution of cancer cells in the cell cycle unveiled by AI-segmented imaging of 37,000 HeLa FUCCI cells

Cheraghi, Hamid and Kovács, Kinga Dóra and Székács, Inna and Horváth, Róbert and Szabó, Bálint (2024) Continuous distribution of cancer cells in the cell cycle unveiled by AI-segmented imaging of 37,000 HeLa FUCCI cells. HELIYON, 10 (9). No.-e30239. ISSN 2405-8440

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Classification of live or fixed cells based on their unlabeled microscopic images would be a powerful tool for cell biology and pathology. For such software, the first step is the generation of a ground truth database that can be used for training and testing AI classification algorithms. The Application of cells expressing fluorescent reporter proteins allows the building of ground truth datasets in a straightforward way. In this study, we present an automated imaging pipeline utilizing the Cellpose algorithm for the precise cell segmentation and measurement of fluorescent cellular intensities across multiple channels. We analyzed the cell cycle of HeLa–FUCCI cells expressing fluorescent red and green reporter proteins at various levels depending on the cell cycle state. To build the dataset, 37,000 fixed cells were automatically scanned using a standard motorized microscope, capturing phase contrast and fluorescent red/green images. The fluorescent pixel intensity of each cell was integrated to calculate the total fluorescence of cells based on cell segmentation in the phase contrast channel. It resulted in a precise intensity value for each cell in both channels. Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis of Cellpose 1.0 and Cellpose 2.0 in cell segmentation performance. Cellpose 2.0 demonstrated notable improvements, achieving a significantly reduced false positive rate of 2.7 % and 1.4 % false negative. The cellular f luorescence was visualized in a 2D plot (map) based on the red and green intensities of the FUCCI construct revealing the continuous distribution of cells in the cell cycle. This 2D map enables the selection and potential isolation of single cells in a specific phase. In the corresponding heatmap, two clusters appeared representing cells in the red and green states. Our pipeline allows the high- throughput and accurate measurement of cellular fluorescence providing extensive statistical information on thousands of cells with potential applications in developmental and cancer biology. Furthermore, our method can be used to build ground truth datasets automatically for training and testing AI cell classification. Our automated pipeline can be used to analyze thousands of cells within 2 h after putting the sample onto the microscope.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cell segmentation, Fluorescence imaging, Cell cycle analysis, Ground truth datasets
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH301 Biology / biológia
Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH301 Biology / biológia > QH3015 Molecular biology / molekuláris biológia
Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH301 Biology / biológia > QH3020 Biophysics / biofizika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 29 Apr 2024 11:01
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2024 11:01

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