Picosecond Femtojoule Resistive Switching in Nanoscale VO2 Memristors

Schmid, Sebastian Werner and Pósa, László and Török, Tímea Nóra and Sánta, Botond and Pollner, Zsigmond and Molnár, György and Horst, Yannik and Volk, János and Leuthold, Juerg and Halbritter, Andras and Csontos, Miklos (2024) Picosecond Femtojoule Resistive Switching in Nanoscale VO2 Memristors. ACS NANO, in pre. ISSN 1936-0851

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Beyond-Moore computing technologies are expected to provide a sustainable alternative to the von Neumann approach not only due to their down-scaling potential but also via exploiting device-level functional complexity at the lowest possible energy consumption. The dynamics of the Mott transition in correlated electron oxides, such as vanadium dioxide, has been identified as a rich and reliable source of such functional complexity. However, its full potential in high-speed and low-power operation has been largely unexplored. We fabricated nanoscale VO2 devices embedded in a broadband test circuit to study the speed and energy limitations of their resistive switching operation. Our picosecond time-resolution, real-time resistive switching experiments and numerical simulations demonstrate that tunable low-resistance states can be set by the application of 20 ps long, <1.7 V amplitude voltage pulses at 15 ps incubation times and switching energies starting from a few femtojoule. Moreover, we demonstrate that at nanometer-scale device sizes not only the electric field induced insulator-to-metal transition but also the thermal conduction limited metal-to-insulator transition can take place at time scales of 100s of picoseconds. These orders of magnitude breakthroughs can be utilized to design high-speed and low-power dynamical circuits for a plethora of neuromorphic computing applications from pattern recognition to numerical optimization.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Chemistry, Physical; Picosecond; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; memristor; MOTT TRANSITION; MOTT TRANSITION; vanadium dioxide; femtojoule;
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QD Chemistry / kémia
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2024 06:26
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2024 06:26

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