A testi, lelki változók és a megküzdési stratégiák közti összefüggések

Kern, Boglárka (2014) A testi, lelki változók és a megküzdési stratégiák közti összefüggések. ANTHROPOLOGIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 55. pp. 79-88. ISSN 0003-5440


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Numerous social, psychological, behavio u ral, environmental and biological factors together influence our physical and mental health, stress occupying a significant role in this intera ction. The lack of proper coping strategies with stress may lead to negative consequences, having an effect on the physical and mental health, ultimately unfavo u rably influencing the quality of life. The subjects of the present study were a subsample of th e 2nd Hungarian National Growth Study (2003 – 2006), a cross - sectional study to collect data on the biological and psycho - social status of children between 3 and 18 years. Altogether 1601 males and 1592 females (aged 10 – 18 years) were studied. The research c an be considered domestically original, as the eight coping strategies depending on multiple variables were not examined before on a high number of Hungarian school - aged children. The main goal of the dissertation is (1) to analy s e the changes in the copin g strategies, based on age and gender, and to examine the frequency of selected coping methods depending on (2) body shape, (3) sexual status, (4) soci o - economic background, (5) psycho - somatic symptoms and (6) subjective health status and life satisfaction . Our results evidenced that (1) age and gender fundamentally influence the frequency of the selected eight coping strategies ; (2) in certain cases overweight and obese children more frequently apply less successful coping methods ; (3) those who are more s exually mature in comparison to their peers more frequently utilize active coping strategies (h owever, it has not been verified that less mature choose less successful strategies );(4) children living in worse soci o - economic status more frequently choose ma ladaptive coping methods and strategies to handle emotions caused by unchangeable situations ; (5) psycho - somatic symptoms occur frequently both in the case of successful and less successful strategies; and (6) t he use of adaptive strategies was typical of those who considered their health better and were more satisfied with their lives. Keywords: C oping ; N utritional status ; S exual status ; S oci o - economic background ; P sycho - somatic symptoms ; S ubjective health status ; Li fe satisfaction.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QP Physiology / élettan
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2015 05:37
Last Modified: 01 Jan 2017 00:15

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