The development of compensation theories in international expropriation law

Vig, Zoltan and Gajinov, Tamara (2016) The development of compensation theories in international expropriation law. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 57 (4). pp. 447-461. ISSN 2498-5473


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The majority of states recognize the lawfulness of expropriation or nationalization of foreign property, provided the taking is non-discriminatory; there is a public purpose; compensation is paid for the taken property; and due process of law is respected. The standard of compensation paid for the taken property is the most disputed requirement. This work examines the development of compensation theories through the most important milestone cases, the Hull and Calvo doctrines, United Nations’ documents and the Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law of the United States.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: K Law / jog > K Law (General) / jogtudomány általában
Depositing User: Erika Bilicsi
Date Deposited: 24 Mar 2017 13:29
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2018 00:16

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