WikiNizer™ Research: A Personal Knowledge Graph Builder Harnessing Freebase Linked Data

Benedek, András, G. and Gyuri, Lajos (2014) WikiNizer™ Research: A Personal Knowledge Graph Builder Harnessing Freebase Linked Data. Linking Web Data for Education, D2.3.3. pp. 1-6. (Submitted)

Text (Linked Up Challenge Vici Competition paper and software description)
Linkedup_submission_vici_V7__Benedek_A and Lajos_G_WikiNizeR_1.pdf - Submitted Version
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WikiNizer™ Research (WikiNizeR) is a visual Wiki-like knowledge orgaNizer which constructs Personal Knowledge Graphs. By enabling us to visualize “meta” levels of reflection, WikiNizeR facilitates our sense making and problem solving. Using Freebase as a linked data source it harvests and contextualizes semantically structured information, empowering us to curate a private Knowledge Graph of Things, which a view also to enhancing collaborative knowledge work. Its users integrate open web data within the content driven graph architectures of their personal learning environments. It enables us to elaborate upon the emergent dynamic graphs which articulate the typed connections that exist between ‘Things’ of interest, facilitating the emergence of novel concepts in the associated complexes of content which are organized into node based structures. It supports a connectivist learning model; and as a “self-curating” semantic knowledge management tool it can be used in problem and project based learning to explore resources and conceptual relationships, helping us to define learning paths and workflows, or design meta-level didactic object structures and activities. It is a tool which helps us track meaning construction in a situated, intent dependent and dynamic manner. It is a holistic solution which integrates web research, linked data, annotation, note-taking and knowledge organization into a Lifelong Personal Digital Archive of “born reproducible”, ab initio re-purposable, and re-enactable, Research Objects.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: WikiNizer™ Research (WikiNizeR) is a visual Wiki-like knowledge orgaNizer which constructs Personal Knowledge Graphs. By enabling us to visualize “meta” levels of reflection, WikiNizeR facilitates our sense making and problem solving.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Personal knowledge organizer, visual Wiki-like
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering / elektrotechnika, elektronika, atomtechnika
Depositing User: Dr. András, G. BENEDEK
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2018 13:03
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2020 00:24

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