Философия свободы в романе Дениса Соболева Иерусалим: на пути от отказа к возможному

Katsman, Roman (2017) Философия свободы в романе Дениса Соболева Иерусалим: на пути от отказа к возможному. Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 62 (2). pp. 459-474. ISSN 0039-3363


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The present paper dwells upon the subject and the conception of freedom in the novel Jerusalem (2005) written by the Russian-Israeli writer, poet and scholar Dennis Sobolev. According to this conception, the fragmentariness of the being serves as the foundation for the search for freedom. This search consists of renunciation of the world of absolute power. The renunciation enables apprehension of freedom as a possibility in the splits between the fragments of the being. In the novel, this search for the real order of freedom beyond the imagined chaos of history unfolds within the symbolic order of Jerusalem – the earthly, political, and mystical city, which is presented through the eyes of seven narrators in seven separate and united stories. Dennis Sobolev’s work thus reveals as a dissipative novel-myth about the disparate attempts to constitute the realistic and skeptical, and at the same time spiritual and playful, ontology.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature / szláv, balti, albán nyelvek és irodalom
Depositing User: László Sallai-Tóth
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2018 09:44
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2019 00:23

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