The Methodological Renewal of the State Audit Office of Hungary in Light of the Protection of Public Funds

Domokos, László and Holman, Magdolna (2017) The Methodological Renewal of the State Audit Office of Hungary in Light of the Protection of Public Funds. POLGÁRI SZEMLE: GAZDASÁGI ÉS TÁRSADALMI FOLYÓIRAT, 13 (Spec.). pp. 83-98. ISSN 1786-6553

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The change in international standards unfolding from 2007, the independence and transparency criteria applying to supreme audit institutions and the enhanced enforcement of objectivity and professionalism requirements called for the methodological renewal of the State Audit Office. Auditing guidelines and standards define the fundamental principles and norms adhered to by the SAO, which provide the basis for the quality of its audit work and reports. These principles and norms provide the framework that enables the auditors of supreme audit institutions (SAIs) to preserve their independence and the probity of their work. The effects of the renewal apply to and are felt in some form in all audit phases and organisational levels. By developing its new, quality-driven operations and by completing its methodological renewal, the State Audit Office has become a supreme audit institution which, as a professionally indispensable constitutional organisation enjoying the trust of Hungarian citizens, can support the operation of a well-managed state.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: methodological renewal, SAO, public funds, auditing methodology, ISSAI
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HD Industries. Land use. Labor / ipar, földhasználat, munkaügy > HD1 Industries / ipar > HD15 Risk management / kockázatkezelés
H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HG Finance / pénzügy
Depositing User: Andrea Paár
Date Deposited: 28 May 2018 11:59
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2023 07:27

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