Architecture and landscape design for Beikanzi village in China: An investigation of human settlement and environment

Zhao, Dapeng and Bachmann, Balint and Wang, Tie (2018) Architecture and landscape design for Beikanzi village in China: An investigation of human settlement and environment. Pollack Periodica, 13 (2). pp. 231-236. ISSN 1788-1994


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The vast rural areas, which contain historical, cultural heritage and natural resources areas are the root for the stability of China and the foundation of the Chinese nation. However, excessive urban development and construction has affected these smaller rural villages, which were left behind due to China’s rapid economy. This is a design study of the ‘Beautiful Village’ Project, initiated by the local government, in order to demonstrate an opportunity to redesign the rural areas. This paper exhibits the experiences and impressions of the architects from China Central Academy of Fine Arts who took part in the architecture design for the villages. In order to achieve this, a series of investigation and analysis was done by the architects to reveal the present situation of the villages in China. Additionally, the active participation of the villagers is crucial in the successful re-development of the area. The main objective of this paper is to therefore identify the difficulties and problems encountered by the village and to propose a counter solution in order to design a better living condition for the rural areas of China.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) / általános mérnöki tudományok
Depositing User: Erika Bilicsi
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2018 13:53
Last Modified: 31 Aug 2020 23:17

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