Can there be such a thing as national style? Otto Wagner and National Architecture in Hungary

Papp, Gábor György (2018) Can there be such a thing as national style? Otto Wagner and National Architecture in Hungary. Acta Historiae Artium, 59 (1). pp. 285-297. ISSN 0001-5830 (print); 1588-2608 (online)


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In 1915 Otto Wagner, the school-founding master of modern Central European architecture, was asked to share with his Hungarian colleagues his thoughts on the tasks of modern architecture, including his views on the issue of the potentials of national architecture. The elderly Austrian architect replied in a letter, which appeared in Budapest’s leading architectural journal of the age, Vállalkozók Lapja. Based on this scarcely known letter and its Hungarian reception that together form an important episode in the discourse on national art and architecture, my paper investigates the conflicting ideals of nationalism and/or modernism, ideals that bear significance to architecture history, urbanism and the formation of national identity alike.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: MTA KFB támogatási szerződés alapján archiválva
Uncontrolled Keywords: Otto Wagner; Marcell Komor; Ödön Lechner; Hungarian National Style in architecture; urbanism; modernism in architecture
Subjects: N Fine Arts / képzőművészet > NA Architecture / építészet
Depositing User: Violetta Baliga
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2018 07:20
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2020 00:31

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