Hungarian Country Equity

Tózsa, István (2018) Hungarian Country Equity. POLGÁRI SZEMLE: GAZDASÁGI ÉS TÁRSADALMI FOLYÓIRAT, 14 (Spec.). pp. 255-274. ISSN 1786-6553

PSZ 2018. angol.szam_beliv_17.pdf

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This study tries to shed light upon the unfavourable Hungarian reputation in Europe and the value of Hungarian country brand. In doing so, it explains the components and the formation of country image, association, awareness, loyalty and equity as well. The study concludes with showing the measures with which even small countries can improve their rankings in Simon Anholt’s global nation brand and good country index charts. These charts are based on the largest scale social big data study ever conducted and they exercise influence on the countries’ economic prospects. The study also reveals the global regions where the Hungarian government should focus country marketing in order to achieve the most rapid economic benefits.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: the Hun heritage in Hungary, nation brand, country equity, good country index, the “Magyaristan” belt
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány > HB4 Dynamics of the economy / gazdasági folyamatok
H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HC Economic History and Conditions / gazdaság története és alapelvek > HC2 Economic policy / gazdaságpolitika
Depositing User: Andrea Paár
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2019 10:48
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2023 08:00

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