A XXI. századi radarrendszerekkel szemben támasztható elvárások

Balajti, István (2019) A XXI. századi radarrendszerekkel szemben támasztható elvárások. HADITECHNIKA, 53 (3). pp. 3-8. ISSN 0230-6891


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It is essential requirements of a modern air surveillance and air defense systems in the XXI century to expand the ECCM (Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures) performance of the individual radars at the radar systems level, and to introduce more efficient methods for today's solutions. This is necessary as environmental electromagnetic interference/smog has increased considerably in some frequency bands. While, in the case of military devices, it can be reasonably assumed that advance jammers can effectively override the radar's Electronic Protection Measures. The previous sections of this study summarize the new challenges of the airspace control and the opportunities offered by the new "RF Network Centric" radar system, which combines the active- and passive radar system's characteristics. The sequel deals with the technical features of mobile radars as basic components of radar systems, examines the antenna-related ECCM capabilities of the radars and performance, and the “built-in” requirements of the "RF Network based" operation. It summarizes the software radar logistics insurance in the days of exploring the challenges that are still barely perceived.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Radar, Passive radar, RF network centric radar systems, Electronic Counter Countermeasures
Subjects: U Military Science / hadtudomány > U1 Military Science (General) / hadtudomány általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 27 Aug 2019 07:04
Last Modified: 01 Jun 2021 23:15

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