REAL - Frequently Asked Questions

How can one refer to items deposited in REAL?
There is an unique identifier number for all items deposited. The recommended way of reference to item No. 1237 is the following URL: .
In the MTMT database use the REAL ID number only - 1237 in the example above.

How can one find items deposited in REAL?
The REAL website provides search functions, but this repository (as other installations of EPrints, or other OAI-compliant repositories) use the OAI-PMH protocol, and thus could be searched using other search engines using PMH. REAL is listed in important registries like OpenDOAR and ROAR, so harvesters are aware of it. We recommend the service.

Everyone could use REAL without registering. Why register?
Only registered users could deposit items. But there are benefits for users who do not intend to deposit: registered users can use saved searches and receive regular mailings on newly deposited items matching their set conditions. There are publications which are readable for registered users only.
Registration is only possible to the base collection (REAL). The other collections have no registration possibility.

Who can register to REAL?
We invite researchers using an MTA grant, belonging to the research centres, institutes, supported research groups and Momentum research groups of the ELRN, and the members of the MTA. All researchers with support from the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) are welcome to register. Only Hungarian mail addresses are allowed for registration. Use your official mail address! Please, fill in your profile - especially the affiliation - after registering. The Library might remove any users not related to MTA or OTKA, and those who register with false data.

What personal information is necessary for an account in REAL?
EPrint requires only a valid e-mail address - this is needed for activating the account. However, we ask you to provide other information, like name and affiliation too. You can do it in the Profile tab. The repository staff has to check whether the registered user is a bona fide researcher. The e-mail is used for correspondence about the problematic deposits too. Privacy statement: REAL will not use personal information for other purpose than stated here, and will not make it available to third parties.

How can one correct or change items already accepted?
EPrints provides mechanisms for requesting an item removal, or uploading a newer version, as the users are not permitted to change items already accepted by the librarians. However, we ask users to send an e-mail to
real_help (at)
instead, and ask the librarians to make the corrections, or send them the correct version of the PDF file. Item removal requests should be used with restraint, and explanation should always be provided. New version upload should be used for new versions of the same item, e.g. uploading a publisher's PDF when a refereed manuscript is already present in the repository.

What can I do when I find an item with restricted availability?
There are items in the repository which are not accessible for anyone, because of copyright does not allow Open Access. For some of these items the restrictions will be lifted after an embargo period. If You find a "Request a copy" button, You could ask the author to send You a copy. If You are a registered reader of rhe Library, You might order a max. 15 page printed copy. The regular copying fees are charged.

Can I upload a thesis to REAL?
Yes. We have separate collections for theses: REAL-d for the DSc theses of the MTA ( and REAL-PhD for PhD theses ( If You want to deposit your thesis there, send it by e-mail to real_help (at) .

What are the rights of the author? What publishers permit?
Publishers' policies differ. Information can be found at Open policy finder.

Can I upload a PPT presentation?
No. We expect conference talks and posters in article format, as they have appeared in the proceedings of the conference. The required format is PDF (PDF/A whenewer possible).

File readability - PDF and PDF/A
We aspire to store documents in PDF/A format, but accept plain PDF too. PDF/A is created for long term preservation - it might happen, that plain PDF documents do not display correctly in a particular platform (operating system, browser, browser plug-in, PDF viewer). PDF display problems usually stem for lack of the given font. PDF/A documents have the fonts embedded, so there will be no such problems - on the other hand, they tend to be larger. Occasionally a certain document is present in both plain PDF and PDF/A.

What is ORCID?
ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. It is a global system for providing unique identifiers for authors, together with a personal page with short biographies, publication lists, affiliations. ORCID identifiers look like 0000-0002-6873-3425 .

Is it possible that my paper is already in REAL?
There are severel journals that are archived article-by-article in REAL by the publisher. In this case only upload manuscripts with full access rights, the publisher's PDF is already there, or will be there soon - possibly with embargo.

Can I browse or search by author?
No, unfortunately only by name. Different authors with the same name, or the same author using different names are a problem. ORCIDs might provide a tool for handling this problem in the future.

How can one achieve OA easily, legally, with no extra cost?
There are several ways to make an article Open Access. One could achieve Open Access, publishing in the same journals as usual. Though OA rules are different for each publisher, the following three easy steps would almost always guarantee lawful OA at no extra cost for the author.
I.) Keep the corrected manuscript. If the manuscript had been prepared by a co-author, or was typeset for you by someone else, ask for a copy.
II.) After publication, enter the bibliographic data - Journal, voume, page, year, DOI (if available) to the text. Indicate that it is an un-edited manuscript. Then export it into PDF/A format - You might do that using Libre Office.
III.) Upload it immediately to a repository. Set an embargo period - one year from the publication date. Indicate the URL of the article at the publisher's website.
Most publishers, a number of the largest publishing houses included, allow OA with such conditions. Several have less restrictive regulation. To make sure, consult the publisher's website.

What kind of publication can be accepted to REAL?
Primarily we collect full, peer-reviewed research publications. Other, educational, popular papers, abstracts are accepted only if the researcher is contractually or otherwise obliged to deposit them. Presentation slides are not accepted! Concerence posters are not accepted, only the versions published in the proceedings.

Are supporting research data files accepted?
Yes. Textual (.TXT ; .CSV ; .XML) and image (.JPG ; .TIF) file formats are supported.

Is it possible to help text mining?
Yes. Please, upload EPUB versions along with the PDF/A if You can, with identical text, but without page numbering, page headers, line- and pagebreaks.

What personal data are managed in REAL?
Data appeared on the publication - such data are public by nature. We manage the e-mail addresses of the registered users or uploaders - this is necessary for contacting them. Registered users could decide whether they allow their e-mail addresses to be visible on the web. Employment data is stored for the purposes of usage authorisation.