The MTA - OTKA collection of REAL - Repository of the Academic Library - contains publications resulting from MTA, HUN-REN and/or OTKA/NKFIH-funded research projects: journal articles, conference papers, research reports. Research reports are entered to REAL by OTKA, other papers are uploaded by the authors. To upload material, authors need to create an user account in REAL. Researchers of the MTA, MTA-funded or Momentum research groups, HUN-REN and participants of NKFIH projects are entitled to have accounts in REAL.

How to deposit to REAL? The easiest way is not to use REAL directly, but to transfer publications from MTMT. (Using the "Repozitorium" button.) But direct upload is possible too.

What to deposit to REAL? REAL is a repository open to the world, so providing English titles and abstracts is preferred (authors can enter bilingual information in the same field). On the other hand, REAL is a Hungarian repository, so authors could provide Hungarian language versions of their articles when available. We expect journal articles - refereed and non-refereed -, conference proceedings items, every kind of article published. We do not accept material not published anywhere. The primary scope of the collection is refereed, full research publications. But we accept educational or popular scholarly publications, and abstracts, if the researcher is obliged to deposit them.

Which version to use? The best is the final, accepted manuscript (containing the figures). The publisher's PDF would be even better - but most publishers do not allow depositing these. Submitted manuscripts (before peer-review) are unacceptable. Publisher's proofs are not recommended.

Uploading the paper the author declares that he/she is legally entitled depositing it. When in doubt, the Open policy finder database can be checked about the OA policies of the publishers. We prefer copies which, in the case of refereed journals, has already went through the refereeing process, and contain the corrections. Publishers usually prefer copies which do not yet contain their editorial input, but in case they permit depositing the final, published version, we suggest to use that. Publishers often require embargo periods, and the EPrints software used by REAL supports this feature. We suggest to deposit the article right after publication, and set the embargo required by the publisher. Publishers often require adding an URL to the version on their website, we strongly recommend authors to supply that even it is not required by the publisher. We recommend also providing an e-mail address of the corresponding author. We do not make this information public, but we enable the forwarding of pre-print requests by readers.

Items uploaded to REAL do not became public before the acceptance by a librarian. Librarians can supply missing meta-information, or return the item to the user. Please enter all necessary information!

We accept PDF (more specifically PDF/A) format material, and prefer to have single files containing necessary meta-information (author(s), title, journal, year, volume, page, abstract, DOI). For auxiliary, supporting research data we accept textual formats (.TXT ; .CSV ; .XML) or JPEG and TIFF images. Use multiple files only when the item is available in several languages.

We ask publishers to submit an EPUB or TXT version along the PDF/A, enabling better text mining results.

Creating PDF documents Portable Document Format was created by Adobe, and since 2008 the specifications are an open standard (ISO 32000-1:2008). See the Wikipedia entry:, and PDF/A documents are suitable for archiving, and widely used. Free software are available for display. One can use free software for the creation of PDF documents too: we recommend (Ver. 2.4 or later), or ps2pdf/Ghostscript. For those unable to generate PDF/A we recommend embedding fonts. Scanners offer PDF as output format usually - though the image only versions are not searchable.

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