The fine- and generative spectra of varieties of monounary algebras

Kátai-Urbán, Kamilla and Pongrácz, András and Szabó, Csaba (2019) The fine- and generative spectra of varieties of monounary algebras. Algebra Universalis, 80 (22). 18-pp. ISSN 0002-5240

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In this paper we present recursive formulas to compute the fine spectrum and generative spectrum of all varieties of monounary algebras. Hence, an asymptotic or log-asymptotic estimation for the number of n-generated and n-element algebras is given in every variety of monounary algebras. These results provide infinitely many examples of spectra with different orders of magnitude that are asymptotically bigger than any polynomial and smaller than any exponential function.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA72 Algebra / algebra
Depositing User: Dr. András Pongrácz
Date Deposited: 12 Sep 2020 17:15
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2020 00:50

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