Ab initio theory of the negatively charged boron vacancy qubit in hexagonal boron nitride

Ivády, Viktor and Barcza, Gergely and Thiering, Gergő and Li, Song and Hamdi, Hanen and Chou, Jyh-Pin and Legeza, Örs and Gali, Ádám (2020) Ab initio theory of the negatively charged boron vacancy qubit in hexagonal boron nitride. npj Computational Materials. ISSN 2057-3960


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Highly correlated orbitals coupled with phonons in two-dimension are identified for paramagnetic and optically active boron vacancy in hexagonal boron nitride by first principles methods which are responsible for recently observed optically detected magnetic resonance signal. Here, we report ab initio analysis of the correlated electronic structure of this center by density matrix renormalization group and Kohn-Sham density functional theory methods. By establishing the nature of the bright and dark states as well as the position of the energy levels, we provide a complete description of the magneto-optical properties and corresponding radiative and non-radiative routes which are responsible for the optical spin polarization and spin dependent luminescence of the defect. Our findings pave the way toward advancing the identification and characterization of room temperature quantum bits in two-dimensional solids.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika > QC06 Physics of condensed matter / szilárdtestfizika
Depositing User: Barcza Gergely
Date Deposited: 22 Sep 2020 09:35
Last Modified: 22 Sep 2020 09:35

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