Csopak és környékének geoturisztikai felmérése = A Geotourism Assessment of Csopak and Its Surroundings

Pál, Márton and Albert, Gáspár (2020) Csopak és környékének geoturisztikai felmérése = A Geotourism Assessment of Csopak and Its Surroundings. FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 144 (2). pp. 153-170. ISSN 0015-5411

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Geotourism has developed rapidly in the last decades. Geotourism and geoheritage make the preservation and popularization of these values a lot easier. Geosites are the most interesting inanimate formations of the Earth. The processes of our planet can be well-interpreted through them. UNESCO Global Geoparks Network is responsible for gathering, protecting, monitoring and fostering these natural values. More and more communities try to reveal geotourism attractions as they attract a wide group of people with earth scientific interest. Our goal is to determine the geotourism potential in the surroundings of Csopak. The studied area is part of the Bakony–Balaton Geopark that is a member of UNESCO Global Geoparks Network. There is a large importance of this work as assessment models have not been applied here before. A group of potential geosites has been designated with the help of geological and topographic maps. The fieldwork included 75 sites, and was followed by the application of the Geosite Assessment Model (GAM) and the Modified Geosite Assessment Model (M-GAM). The GAM has been applied in Hungary several times with good results. As the M-GAM involves the visitors into the work, a more realistic and practical result can be produced. The comparison of the two models also gives hints about the potential and the possible development directions of the sites. The assessment included GIS work, examining geological formations and infrastructure as well as consulting with experts. The final score of a geosite is the sum of scientific, educational, scenic and infrastructural values. The final proportion of these values plotted on a matrix diagram makes the geotourism potential and the improvable elements of a geosite determinable. Local communities and Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark have to work together in order to monitor, maintain and develop natural attractions. The results of the assessment are suitable for new strategies that deal with how geosites could be treated in the way the visitors expect it. The first geological-tourist map of the area helps to disseminate the results of the present study. It is also a didactic tool in the hands of geotourists to discover natural treasures.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: geotourism, quantitative assessment, geopark, geoheritage
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation / földrajz, antropológia, kikapcsolódás > G Geography (General) / Földrajz általában > G154.9-155.8 Tourism / turizmus
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation / földrajz, antropológia, kikapcsolódás > GE Environmental Sciences / környezettudomány
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2021 10:41
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2024 09:38

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