Thermal stability and flame retardant properties of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) hybrid composite for construction application

I.Al-Mosawi, Ali and Marossy, Kálmán (2019) Thermal stability and flame retardant properties of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) hybrid composite for construction application. ÉPÍTŐANYAG, 71 (6). pp. 198-203. ISSN 0013-970X


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Current research is investigating how to improve constructions efficiency and at the same time increase their fire resistance. Oxydtron is used as admixture for concrete to improve its properties, but Oxydtron has shown unpredictable behavior when used as filler for plasticised PVC where the flame retardation and stabilization at high temperatures of the polymer was improved after Oxydtron additions. Thermal tests were carried out to demonstrate the ability of Oxydtron to improve thermal resistance of the plasticised PVC and these tests included: Limiting oxygen index, Dehydrochlorination, and Dynamic mechanical analysis. The results of these tests proved the efficiency of Oxydtron as effective filler for plasticised PVC by increasing the flame retardation and thermal stability.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Thermal stabilizing, Flammability, Oxydtron, Plasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TS Manufactures / különféle iparágak, ipari termékek > TS50 Rubber industry. Plastics industry / gumi- és műanyagipar
Depositing User: Mr. Ali Ibrahim Moslem Maeeni
Date Deposited: 06 May 2021 08:14
Last Modified: 06 May 2021 08:14

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