Towards Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection on Time-Series Data

Vajda, Dániel and Pekár, Adrián and Farkas, Károly (2021) Towards Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection on Time-Series Data. INFOCOMMUNICATIONS JOURNAL, 13 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 2061-2079


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The complexity of network infrastructures is exponentially growing. Real-time monitoring of these infrastructures is essential to secure their reliable operation. The concept of telemetry has been introduced in recent years to foster this process by streaming time-series data that contain feature-rich information concerning the state of network components. In this paper, we focus on a particular application of telemetry — anomaly detection on time-series data. We rigorously examined state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods. Upon close inspection of the methods, we observed that none of them suits our requirements as they typically face several limitations when applied on time-series data. This paper presents Alter-Re2, an improved version of ReRe, a state-of-the-art Long Short- Term Memory-based machine learning algorithm. Throughout a systematic examination, we demonstrate that by introducing the concepts of ageing and sliding window, the major limitations of ReRe can be overcome. We assessed the efficacy of Alter-Re2 using ten different datasets and achieved promising results. Alter-Re2 performs three times better on average when compared to ReRe.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science / számítástechnika, számítógéptudomány
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 May 2021 10:03
Last Modified: 07 May 2021 10:03

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