Urbanisation and Local Government(s)

Hoffman, István and F. Rozsnyai, Krisztina and Nagy, Marianna (2021) Urbanisation and Local Government(s). Lex-Localis Press, Maribor. ISBN 9789617124064


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The book is based on the presentation of the conferences Public Services in the Member States of the European Union (2017) and Urbanisation and local government(s) (2020) which were organised bv the Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law. The 2017 conference has been supported by the Ministry of Justice of Hungary and the 2020 conference has been supported by the Municipality of Budapest. The main aim of the book is to examine and analyse the urbanisation of local governments – especially in the light of the recent challenges of the urbanisation in the Eastern Central European countries. The scope of the book is a wide one: the methods – which are applied by the different chapters – are not only the methods of jurisprudence, but the wide range of administrative sciences (e.g. economics, sociology). First of all, the recent challenges and transformations of the urban areas and the government of the urban areas in several countries will be analysed. The general analysis of the urban governments and the organisational framework of these area will be followed by presentations by which the provision of urban services and several major issues of the urban life, especially the urban finances and the local taxation will be analysed. The impact of the recent COVID-19 pandemic will be analysed, as well. The challenges, solutions and transformation of Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Portugal will be shown by the presentations.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: J Political Science / politológia > JS Local government Municipal government / helyi, települési önkormányzat
K Law / jog > K Law (General) / jogtudomány általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2021 10:25
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2021 10:25

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