A Szent István-terem rekonstrukciója = Saint Stephen’s Hall

Rostás, Péter (2021) A Szent István-terem rekonstrukciója = Saint Stephen’s Hall. METSZET, 12 (5). pp. 22-31. ISSN 2061-2710

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To mark the coronation of Franz Joseph as King of Hungary in 1867, Alajos Hauszmann was commissioned, following the passing of Miklós Ybl to expand and improve the Royal Palace on Castle Hill. The jewel of this project being Saint Stephen's Hall which, the culmination of works by leading artists of the time centred on a monumental fireplace executed in pyrogranite by the factory of Vilmos Zsolnay. This hall was destroyed at the end of World War II. Under the National Hauszmann Program this hall has been accurately restored to its former splendour under the guidance of architect, Tibor Angyal.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: A bemutatott építészeti projekt helyszíne: Budavári Palota, Budapest
Subjects: N Fine Arts / képzőművészet > NA Architecture / építészet
Depositing User: Pál Csanády
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2021 12:35
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2021 12:35

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