Párbeszéd az ENSZ-ben : Adalékok a Magyarország és Costa Rica közötti kapcsolatfelvétel történetéhez = Dialogue in the UNO : Contributions to the History of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations Between Hungary and Costa Rica

Pál, István and Szilágyi, Ágnes Judit (2021) Párbeszéd az ENSZ-ben : Adalékok a Magyarország és Costa Rica közötti kapcsolatfelvétel történetéhez = Dialogue in the UNO : Contributions to the History of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations Between Hungary and Costa Rica. VILÁGTÖRTÉNET : A BÖLCSÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KUTATÓKÖZPONT TÖRTÉNETTUDOMÁNYI INTÉZETÉNEK FOLYÓIRATA, 11(43) (3). pp. 373-392. ISSN 0083-6265 (nyomtatott); 2732-2114 (elektronikus)


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This paper aimed at providing a glimpse at the background negotiations between the late Hungarian People’s Republic and Costa Rica, the Central-American small state, that was taking place in UN Palace of New York. Zoltán Szilágyi who was a member of the Hungarian Permanent Mission to the UN and a co-optee of the state security tried to form and maintain a friendly relationship with Jose Louis Redondo deputy leader of the Costa Rican UNO-representation. The Ministry of External Affairs and III/I. (Intelligence) Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs tried to exploit the potential Anti-American sentiments of Redondo in the hope of a later recruitment. The purpose of the latter would have been to reconnoiter the foreign policy of the Unites States toward Latin-America through the ‘backdoor’ at the Soviets requests and, on the other hand, to influence the Costa-Rican political sphere for the sake of an approach to Hungary and the Eastern Bloc in general.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: J Political Science / politológia > JZ International relations / nemzetközi kapcsolatok, világpolitika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2021 08:03
Last Modified: 23 May 2022 23:15

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