Jászberény Szent Pál-halom Árpád-kori népességének történeti embertani vizsgálata (11–13. század)

Kiss, Krisztián and Korita, Mónika and Gyenesei, Katalin and Gémes, Anett and Szeniczey, Tamás and Hajdu, Tamás (2021) Jászberény Szent Pál-halom Árpád-kori népességének történeti embertani vizsgálata (11–13. század). ANTHROPOLOGIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 62. pp. 3-12. ISSN 0003-5440

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We analysed 239 individuals from the Árpádian Age (11–13th century) cemetery of Jászberény Szent Pál-halom. The aim of this article was to provide anthropological and paleopathological information regarding the populations of Árpádian Age from Jászberény. Altogether 88 males, 71 females and 48 children were examined. In the case of 32 individuals, sex could not be determined. Based on demographic analysis 22.5% of the population passed away in subadult age. In the case of males, the mortality curve peaks at about age 40, while in females around age 30. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that women had to deal with physiological and pathophysiological stress due to pregnancy and its complications. The average height was 167.11 cm for men and 158.07 cm for women. Craniometric analysis revealed some differences between the two sexes, e.g. females were mainly mesokran, while males had hyperdolichokran, dolichokran, mesokran and brachykran skull as well. Porotic hyperostosis was identified most frequently on the orbital roof. Signs of premortem and postmortem traumas were also identified. Interpersonal violence is indubitable as premortem cut marks were observed in more cases. The premortem traumas were mostly related to lifestyle, possible accidents and cultural intentions. Linear enamel hypoplasia was most common on the lower first and second incisors, furthermore on the lower canines. The prevalence was much higher in males compared to females.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation / földrajz, antropológia, kikapcsolódás > GN Anthropology / embertan, fizikai antropológia
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2021 10:17
Last Modified: 22 Dec 2021 10:32

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