Two Social Aspects of Business Survey Activity in Hungary: Respondent Behaviour and End-User Needs

Munkácsy, Anna and Petz, Raymund (2009) Two Social Aspects of Business Survey Activity in Hungary: Respondent Behaviour and End-User Needs. Hungarian Statistical Review, 87 (SN13). pp. 71-89. ISSN 0039-0690


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In the present paper two important factors of the business survey activity are examined: the behaviour of responding companies and the need of end-users. In order to learn more about these two topics, two special surveys were conducted. The first one was carried out among non-responding firms, while the other ad-hoc survey gave a picture on the opinion and the needs of the consumers of survey figures. The authors focus on the following questions: Who exactly respond to the questionnaires and what is the reason for non-responding? Are the end-users really interested in business tendency survey data? Do they really need them? Do they percept the different nature of official statistical and business tendency survey information? Do they use them in business or private decisions? The latter part of the article analyses the demand for and popularity of the results of the business tendency surveys conducted by the GKI Economic Research Company from the point of view of Hungarian users.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HA Statistics / statisztika
Depositing User: Zsolt Baráth
Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2022 08:18
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2022 14:51

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