A szokványos és az ökoélelmiszerek megkülönböztetése érzékszervi jellemzők alapján = Differentiating ordinary and organic foods based on organoleptic properties

Szente, Viktória and Horváth, Jolán (2018) A szokványos és az ökoélelmiszerek megkülönböztetése érzékszervi jellemzők alapján = Differentiating ordinary and organic foods based on organoleptic properties. ÉLELMISZER, TÁPLÁLKOZÁS ÉS MARKETING, 14 (1). pp. 10-16. ISSN 1786-3422 (nyomtatott); 2560-2551 (online)

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The organoleptic properties of food products – especially taste – are important for consumers. Various food processing methods might influence these properties significantly. In our study we were looking for differences between common food products and food products from organic production. We aimed at making contributions to increasing the market potential of organic foods by referring to their product value and product experience. In our qualitative study, initially, we made a personal interview with a nutritionist followed by two focus group interviews. During the quantitative research, milk and bread samples from conventional and from organic producers were tested by 40 participants in blind tests. From the results of the primary research we can conclude that it is possible to distinguish between the products of the two production methods. According to the nutritionist and the participants of the two focus groups there are huge differences between ordinary and organic foods with regards to their nutrition value and their taste while from the outside it is the trademark that can help identify the organic products. In the blind test of milk samples the evaluation of the organic products exceeded that of the ordinary ones. Testers considered the organic milk richer in taste and sweeter than ordinary milk and also a more intensive colour and a fattier texture were reported. Regarding the bread samples, testers preferred the organic ones. They evaluated their colour to be more intensive and their texture denser and more flexible. Consequently, it is relevant to emphasize the differences between the two methods of production during sales. The organoleptic properties of organic food products can be suitable for promoting the positive image of the trademark but further research in needed.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QP Physiology / élettan
S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > S1 Agriculture (General) / mezőgazdaság általában
Depositing User: Andrea Tankó
Date Deposited: 05 May 2022 12:46
Last Modified: 05 May 2022 12:46

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