Modelling and Model-Based Control of an HVAC System

Kardos, Tamás and Kutasi, Dénes Nimród (2019) Modelling and Model-Based Control of an HVAC System. Papers on Technical Science, 10. pp. 25-30. ISSN 2601-5773

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An HVAC system contains heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment used in office or industrial buildings. The goal of this research is to design a controller for the process of cooling an office building that is made up of three rooms. The desired room temperature can be achieved by controlling the fans making up the fan coil units and the cooling medium’s temperature. By these means the building connected to the electrical grid becomes a smart office. The used building model includes several dynamically changing interior and exterior heat sources affecting the inner climate, which introduces a level of uncertain prediction into the system. We have determined the controller’s performance by the rate of deviation from the expected temperature, the consumed electrical energy and the generated noise. The controller was created in Matlab Simulink with the possibility of migration to a Siemens PLC.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) / általános mérnöki tudományok
Depositing User: Zsolt Baráth
Date Deposited: 17 Aug 2022 13:53
Last Modified: 17 Aug 2022 13:53

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