Bácsiné Béres, Viktória and Stenger-Kovács, Csilla and Buczkó, Krisztina and Padisák, Judit and Selmeczy, Géza Balázs and Lengyel, Edina and Tapolczai, Kálmán (2022) Ecosystem services provided by freshwater and marine diatoms. HYDROBIOLOGIA, 2022. ISSN 0018-8158
B-Beresetal._2022_Hydrobiologia.pdf Available under License Creative Commons Attribution. Download (1MB) | Preview |
Diatoms, a unique group of algae colonising a wide range of aquatic habitats and contributing to human well-being in many ways. We list and summarise these services using the classification of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), i.e. supporting, regulating, provisioning and cultural services. The most relevant supporting services are photosynthesis and primary production, as well as sediment formation. They also play a key role in nutrient cycling and habitat provisioning and serve as food for many organisms. Regulating services as oxygen production, climate control or sediment stabilisation are difficult to discuss without diatoms. Many provisioning services, directly used by humans, can be obtained from diatoms. These are tangible products such as medicines and immunostimulants but direct technologies such as wastewater treatment, micro- and nanotechnologies were also developed using diatoms. Studying of the past, present, and future linked to diatoms as a tool for palaeolimnology, ecological status assessment of waters and climate modelling is essential. Finally, the impressive morphology and ornaments of diatom frustules make them one of the most spectacular microorganisms, inspiring artists or providing a number of educational opportunities. Therefore, protecting aquatic habitats they inhabit is not simply a nature conservation issue but the key for human well-being in the future.
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok > QE08 Hydrosphere. Hydrology / hidroszféra, hidrológia Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH540 Ecology / ökológia |
SWORD Depositor: | MTMT SWORD |
Depositing User: | MTMT SWORD |
Date Deposited: | 14 Sep 2022 08:55 |
Last Modified: | 14 Sep 2022 08:55 |
URI: | http://real.mtak.hu/id/eprint/148595 |
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