The probability of association between response inhibition and compulsive symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder: response to Abramovitch and Abramowitz.

Harsányi, András and Csigó, Katalin and Rajkai, Csaba and Demeter, Gyula and Pajkossy, Péter and Németh, Attila and Racsmány, Mihály (2014) The probability of association between response inhibition and compulsive symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder: response to Abramovitch and Abramowitz. Psychiatry Research, 217 (3). pp. 255-6. ISSN 1872-7123

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Item Type: Article
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BF Psychology / lélektan
R Medicine / orvostudomány > RC Internal medicine / belgyógyászat > RC0321 Neuroscience. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry / idegkórtan, neurológia, pszichiátria
Depositing User: Dr Gyula Demeter
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2014 07:31
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2023 08:06

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