A Tengelici-homokvidék gyertyános-tögyesei (Convallario-Carpinetum Kevey 2008)

Kevey, Balázs and Lendvai, Gábor (2015) A Tengelici-homokvidék gyertyános-tögyesei (Convallario-Carpinetum Kevey 2008). NATURA SOMOGYIENSIS (26). pp. 5-38. ISSN 1587-1908, ISSN 2062-9990 (Online)

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The heavily fragmented and isolated pedunculate oak-hornbeam forests are remnants of the natural vegetation of the sand dune area of Tengelic, where hey are found mostly in interdunal depressions. To determine their main phytosociological characteristics, we collected and analyzed data from 50 stands. The results show that these forests are the most similar in species composition to the oak-hornbeam forests (ConvallarioCarpinetum Kevey 2008) described from the Nyírség. They sharply differ from the oak-hornbeam forests growing on the Dráva floodplain (Veronico montanae-Carpinetum), but exhibit a certain degree of similarity to the closed oak forest with hornbeam found on the loess-covered parts of the Great Plain (Corydali cavaeCarpinetum).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Syntaxonomy, closed oak forests on sand, Central Hungary
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QK Botany / növénytan
Depositing User: Bégányi Ilona
Date Deposited: 18 Nov 2022 08:10
Last Modified: 06 Apr 2023 07:35

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