A hierarchical transcriptional network activates specific CDK inhibitors that regulate G2 to control cell size and number in Arabidopsis

Nomoto, Yuji and Takatsuka, Hirotomo and Yamada, Kesuke and Suzuki, Toshiya and Suzuki, Takamasa and Gombos, Magdolna and Magyar, Zoltán (2022) A hierarchical transcriptional network activates specific CDK inhibitors that regulate G2 to control cell size and number in Arabidopsis. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13 (1). ISSN 2041-1723


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Cell division and expansion are carefully coordinated during organ growth. Here, the authors show that the SCL28 and SMOS1 transcription factors interact to regulate cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors and promote cell size increase over division in Arabidopsis. How cell size and number are determined during organ development remains a fundamental question in cell biology. Here, we identified a GRAS family transcription factor, called SCARECROW-LIKE28 (SCL28), with a critical role in determining cell size in Arabidopsis. SCL28 is part of a transcriptional regulatory network downstream of the central MYB3Rs that regulate G2 to M phase cell cycle transition. We show that SCL28 forms a dimer with the AP2-type transcription factor, AtSMOS1, which defines the specificity for promoter binding and directly activates transcription of a specific set of SIAMESE-RELATED (SMR) family genes, encoding plant-specific inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases and thus inhibiting cell cycle progression at G2 and promoting the onset of endoreplication. Through this dose-dependent regulation of SMR transcription, SCL28 quantitatively sets the balance between cell size and number without dramatically changing final organ size. We propose that this hierarchical transcriptional network constitutes a cell cycle regulatory mechanism that allows to adjust cell size and number to attain robust organ growth.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Expression; Differentiation; Proliferation; Cycle; Endoreduplication; Organ Size; Auxin; Leaf Development; Dependent Kinase Inhibitors
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QK Botany / növénytan
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2023 08:54
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2023 08:54

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