Molecular detection of QTLs for flour quality traits in two doubled haploid populations in spring wheat under heat stress

Barakat, Mohamed N. and Al-Doss, Abdullah A. and Moustafa, Khaled A. and Motawei, Mohamed I. and Alamri, Mohamed S. and Mergoum, Mohamed and Sallam, Mohamed S. and Al-Ashkar, Ibrahim M. (2020) Molecular detection of QTLs for flour quality traits in two doubled haploid populations in spring wheat under heat stress. CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 48 (4). pp. 525-532. ISSN 0133-3720 (print), 1788-9170 (online)

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Wheat four quality is a complex group of traits of tremendous importance to wheat producers, end-users and breeders. Eight four quality traits; four protein content, wet gluten content, gluten index, dry gluten content, falling number, ash content, test weight and four moisture were measured in two doubled haploid populations (Yecora Rojo X Ksu106 and Klassic × Ksu105) at Riyadh and Al-Qassim locations under heat treatments. Single-nucleotide polymorphism markers have been used to determine the number of QTLs controlling the four quality traits in both populations. Analysis of variance revealed high signifcant diferences (P<0.01) for all traits among wheat genotypes and between locations in both populations. The wheat genotypes × location interaction was high signifcant in both populations. A total of 58 additive QTLs were detected for the eight four quality traits in the Yecora Rojo × Ksu106 population at Riyadh and Al-Qassim locations under heat treatments. They were mainly distributed over the 21 wheat chromosomes except 4B and 4D chromosomes. Moreover, in Klassic × Ksu105 population, there were 69 additive QTLs identifed over the full set of chromosomes except 3D chromosome under two locations. This study will facilitate the generation of improved wheat varieties with good quality via molecular markerassisted breeding.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: MTA KFB támogatási szerződés alapján archiválva
Uncontrolled Keywords: Grain quality, Heat stress, QTL, SNP markers, Wheat
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH301 Biology / biológia > QH3015 Molecular biology / molekuláris biológia
S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > S1 Agriculture (General) / mezőgazdaság általában
Depositing User: Katalin Andódy
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2023 15:26
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2023 15:26

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