Hogyan konstruáljunk filozófusi életműveket és nemzeti filozófiatörténeteket?

Mester, Béla (2022) Hogyan konstruáljunk filozófusi életműveket és nemzeti filozófiatörténeteket? In: A magyar filozófia történetírása : Módszertan és kutatói gyakorlat. ergo . Szlovákiai Magyar Akadémiai Tanács, Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Filozófiai Intézet, Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, Somorja, pp. 32-45. ISBN 9789635564170


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An old, eternal question of all the historical studies is that how the narrative of a scholar work can constitute its own object. In the case of the historiography of philosophy, the exploration of the facts of the history of philosophy (mainly printed texts and manuscripts) cannot wholly independent from their interpretation; and the interpretation is connected with the setting of the explored data into the frame of a narrative. Historical studies regarded as evident that the end of the historical studies is the formation of a comprehensive and continuous narrative; controversies focussed on the question of the agent of the narrative. The question that we talking about the history of what and whom, does not touch the history of philosophy, only; it can create an ideal of philosophy what is a model for the contemporary philosophers. Consciously, or unconsciously, every philosopher tries to formulate his or her thought in a form that it will have a good position in a would-be history of philosophy, imagined by them. In the following, it will be offered several examples of the role-patterns based on the narratives of the historiography of the Hungarian philosophy. At first it will be discussed several cases of the historical creation of the philosophical systems and œuvres in the national narrative to fulfil the need of a representative philosopher in every important epoch and in every relevant trend of the Western thought, exemplified by the fictive figure of Boëthius de Dacia as a Hungarian author, and the influence of the requirement of the system-creation in the historical research of the œuvre of János Pósaházi and in the career of Cyrill Horváth and Károly Böhm. After that it will be analysed the method of linking the national and universal narratives of philosophy in classic works of Pál Almási Balogh and János Erdélyi, with a regard to their position in the national cultural canon as historiographers of philosophy. In the last section, it will be discussed two cases of the interesting combination and confusion of the formulation of the national and universal narratives. The first one is Boëthius de Dacia again, as his figure appears in the narratives of cultural memory of different interpretative communities; the second one is a recent project of the University of Vienna for describing the reception of Kant in our region.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > B1 Philosophy (General) / filozófia általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2023 07:00
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2024 00:16

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