…Quid sit Amor… : The Vision of Love as Destructive Force in Sappho’s Fragments and in Vergil’s Eclogues

Pilipović, Jelena (2021) …Quid sit Amor… : The Vision of Love as Destructive Force in Sappho’s Fragments and in Vergil’s Eclogues. ACTA ANTIQUA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE, 61 (4). pp. 331-344. ISSN 0044-5975 (print); 1588-2543 (online)

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The paper examines the parallelisms in the poetic presentation of love as a phenomenon and Love as a divine figure in the fragments of the Aeolian poetess Sappho and in Vergil's Eclogues. Having shown the strong echoes of Sappho's opus in the Roman culture of Vergil's time, the research focuses on analogies at the semantic and expressive level. The two poets share a vision of love/Love as a deeply destructive force, which threatens human existence – a vision introduced by Hesiod – but they also share some refined models of sublimating that destructiveness. The paper particularly explores those models and the layering of thought that the motif of love acquires, thanks to them.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: MTA KFB támogatási szerződés alapján archiválva
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sappho, Vergil, love phenomenon, god-love, eros, thanatos, vision of love, destructiveness, sublimation
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PA Classical philology / klasszika-filológia
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2023 08:41
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2023 07:50

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