La Vierge en quête de Jésus pendant la Passion. Entrelacs médiévaux et folkloriques entre l’Italie et la Grèce: rapprochements et questions ouvertes

Ghidoni, Andrea (2022) La Vierge en quête de Jésus pendant la Passion. Entrelacs médiévaux et folkloriques entre l’Italie et la Grèce: rapprochements et questions ouvertes. ACTA ANTIQUA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE, 62 (1-3). pp. 105-111. ISSN 0044-5975 (print); 1588-2543 (online)

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At the center of the study is the motif spread in Italy and Greece, in the Middle Ages and in folklore, of Mary's search for Jesus during the Passion. The historiographical and philological reconstruction of the motif takes its cue from a medieval Italian text, the “Pianto delle Marie marchigiano”, and first investigates modern Italian songs, to show their continuity with the Middle Ages; then the observation expands to the Hellenic “moirologia”, to highlight the strong resemblance to the Italic counterparts; we therefore try to bring these similarities back to historical unity, showing that we are dealing with two forms in which a long-lasting cultural memory persists.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: funerary lament, dirge, lauda, Mary, Jesus
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PA Classical philology / klasszika-filológia
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2023 10:18
Last Modified: 07 Sep 2023 09:59

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