Диаспоры русской эмиграции: типология и правовое положение = Diasporas of Russian Emigration: Typology and Legal Status

Sabennikova, Irina (2023) Диаспоры русской эмиграции: типология и правовое положение = Diasporas of Russian Emigration: Typology and Legal Status. RUSSIANSTUDIES.HU, 5 (1). pp. 95-112. ISSN 2677-0660


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This article is devoted to the diasporas created by Russian emigration between 1917–1939 in four regions: Central Europe, the Slavic countries, the territories bordering on Russia and in China. Russian post-revolutionary emigration was a large-scale social phenomenon that arose as a result of a global social catastrophe and turned 2 million people into refugees. These emigrés, who dispersed across almost all the countries of the world, represented various social groups and cultural strata of the old Russian society. The revolution of 1917, the civil war that followed it and the establishment of the Soviet regime split the world into opposing social political systems. The struggle between these systems then determined the entire logic of the historical development of the 20 th century, and in a sense, our modern picture of the world. Russian emigration, finding itself between these two systems, was at the epicenter of events. It has formed a special cultural type associated with the desire to preserve an idea of the world that has already ceased to exist as a reality but has been preserved in social memory, religious values, cultural traditions, literary works, and language. The differences between the Russian diasporas in the four main geographic regions were determined by the political regimes established in their countries of residence whether democratic, authoritarian or totalitarian and also by legislation then in force controlling citizenship, religion and cultural traditions. The process of integration of Russian refugees into the various socio-cultural conditions of European countries and China in the interwar period went through several stages and was basically completed by 1939, when most of the emigrants lost their last hope of returning to their homeland, and the outbreak of World War II led to the liquidation of the Russian diaspora as a whole.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: diasporas, Russian emigration, revolution, refugees, Russian Diaspora
Subjects: J Political Science / politológia > JU Emigration and immigration / kivándorlás, bevándorlás
Depositing User: Beáta Bavalicsné Kerekes
Date Deposited: 15 Jun 2023 11:24
Last Modified: 15 Jun 2023 11:24

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