A székesfehérvári Szűz Mária prépostság egykori boltozatai = The vaults of the Provostry and Church of the Virgin Mary at Székesfehérvár

Szőke, Balázs (2013) A székesfehérvári Szűz Mária prépostság egykori boltozatai = The vaults of the Provostry and Church of the Virgin Mary at Székesfehérvár. A KAPOSVÁRI RIPPL-RÓNAI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI (2). pp. 103-114. ISSN 2064-1966 (print), 2631-0376 (online)

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The Provostry and Church of the Virgin Mary (Szűz Mária) at Székesfehérvár went through several reconstructions in the Middle Ages. The last significant expansion was initiated by Matthias Corvinus. The late Gothic elements of the Provostry’s vault was found by Imre Henszlmann in the territory of the ruined monument in the 1860’s. The rib vault dating back to the period of Matthias Corvinus was annexed to the buttress built in the Angevin Era. The construction with internal buttresses could come into existence as a consequence of this fixity in the building technique. Examples for this can be found in the Franciscan Church in Szeged-Alsóváros, and in several churches in Transylvania.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: net vault, rib vault, late gothic, 3D digitizing, Székesfehérvár, internal buttress, Matthias Corvinus, Imre Henszlmann
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
Depositing User: Bégányi Ilona
Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2023 08:51
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2023 08:51

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