Régészeti ásatás és falkutatás a siroki várban (2010–2012) = Archeological investigations in the castle of Sirok (2010–2012)

Fülöp, András and Héczey-Markó, Ágnes (2013) Régészeti ásatás és falkutatás a siroki várban (2010–2012) = Archeological investigations in the castle of Sirok (2010–2012). A KAPOSVÁRI RIPPL-RÓNAI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI (2). pp. 125-136. ISSN 2064-1966 (print), 2631-0376 (online)

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In this article the authors present the latest excavation, which was carried on in the western part of the upper castle of Sirok. The lower fortress was reconstructed for tourism financed by the European Union. The remnants of the embrasures and other objects in the bastions and other walls were documented before the building works.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: castle, building archeology, middle ages, Ottomans
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
Depositing User: Bégányi Ilona
Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2023 08:58
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2023 08:58

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