Középkori és kora újkori éremleletek Somogy megyében = Coin hoards in Somogy county dating back to medieval and early modern ages = Mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Münzfunde im Komitat Somogy

Varga, Máté (2013) Középkori és kora újkori éremleletek Somogy megyében = Coin hoards in Somogy county dating back to medieval and early modern ages = Mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Münzfunde im Komitat Somogy. A KAPOSVÁRI RIPPL-RÓNAI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI (2). pp. 239-249. ISSN 2064-1966 (print), 2631-0376 (online)

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The article gives an insight into the coin hoards of Somogy county from the medieval and early modern ages. Till this time, there was no complex résumé about these artifacts, therefore the aim of this study is to supply this deficiency. We have knowledge of 90 coin hoards in Somogy county, but probably there were many other findings beyond this quantity. The majority of these artifacts are from non-authentic archeological excavations or rather they are not accessible for archeological purposes.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: denars, tallers, gold coins, Arpad Dynasty, Osman Period
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
Depositing User: Bégányi Ilona
Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2023 10:05
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2023 10:05

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