MYC integrates FSH signalling networks in cumulus cells during bovine oocyte maturation

Cantanhêde, Ludymila F. and Oliveira, Marcos A. L. and Moura, Marcelo T. and Oliveira-Silva, Roberta L. and Nascimento, Pábola S. and Ferreira-Silva, José C. and Benko-Iseppon, Ana M. (2022) MYC integrates FSH signalling networks in cumulus cells during bovine oocyte maturation. ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, 70 (2). pp. 132-124. ISSN 0236-6290


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Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Funding Agency and Grant Number: CNPq; CAPES post -doctorate fellowship [51/2013]; FACEPE; CAPES (Rede Intersys: Biologia sistemica no estudo de funcao genica em interacoes bioticas, Edital CAPES); [001]; [APQ-1101-5.05-15] Funding text: We would like to thank all laboratory members for their contributions and insightful discussions. Authors would like to acknowledge CNPq for the doctorate degree scholarship (LFC). This project was supported by CAPES post-doctorate fellowship (MTM; Financial code 001). Additionally, authors would like to acknowledge FACEPE (grant APQ-1101-5.05-15), CNPq and CAPES (Rede Intersys: Biologia sistemica no estudo de funcao genica em interacoes bioticas, Edital CAPES 51/2013) for the financial support of the study.
Subjects: S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > SV Veterinary science / állatorvostudomány
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2023 06:34
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2023 06:34

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