Compilation of an International Journal List in the HAS IX. Section of the Doctoral Committee for Economics and Management

Dobos, Imre and Halmai, Péter and Sasvári, Péter László (2023) Compilation of an International Journal List in the HAS IX. Section of the Doctoral Committee for Economics and Management. PÉNZÜGYI SZEMLE/PUBLIC FINANCE QUARTERLY (1963-), 69 (2). pp. 67-80. ISSN 0031-496X


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Only some of the Sections of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) compile a list of journals. One of these is the IX Section of Economics and Law of the MTA. The section›s doctoral committees evaluate candidates for the title of Doctor of the Academy of Sciences on the basis of eight lists of journals. The lists are generally stable in the sense that they remain unchanged for about five years, but renewal of the lists becomes necessary from time to time. In this publication, we describe the process of renewing the list of journals of the Qualification Committee for Doctoral Candidates in Economics and Management, Section IX of the Academy of Sciences, from the method of compiling the list of journals to the statistical methods used to determine the journal categories A, B, C, and D.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: scientometrics, list of journals, linear regression
Subjects: A General Works / általános művek > AZ History of Scholarship The Humanities / tudománytörténet, bölcsészet > AZ191-193 Evaluation / értékelés
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2023 07:09
Last Modified: 18 Jul 2023 07:09

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