Der Pester Lloyd als Quelle musikhistorischer Forschungen : Ein Annäherungsversuch mit Beispielen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert

Ujvári, Hedvig (2022) Der Pester Lloyd als Quelle musikhistorischer Forschungen : Ein Annäherungsversuch mit Beispielen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. STUDIA MUSICOLOGICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 63 (3-4). pp. 277-298. ISSN 1788-6244 (print); 1789-2422 (online)

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The cultural exchange processes can also be formulated from the point of view of transfer research, because plurality and hybrid cultures are primarily characteristic of the Central European communication space. The actors of these cultural mediation processes, who had the authority to shape and transport knowledge and culture, were authors, translators, publishers, journalists, and critics. As far as the research initiative of the author of this study is concerned, which focuses on the period between 1867 and the turn of the century (around 1900), it must be stated that this period has so far been only sparsely investigated. As a result of our own wide-ranging press-historical research, a cultural-historical database of the most important German-language organs of this epoch was created, whereby the focus was primarily on the culture section, mainly on the feuilleton yield of these newspapers. In addition to literature and theater, there was also intensive reference to neighboring disciplines, since art criticism, art history and, last but not least, the musical stages in Pest and Vienna were given plenty of space in these organs. In the following, an overview of the history of the press is given in a compact form, followed by selected finds on the subject of music from the last third of the nineteenth century.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pester Lloyd, Miksa (Max) Schütz, Ágost (August) Beer, Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler
Subjects: M Music and Books on Music / zene, szövegkönyvek, kották > ML Literature of music / zeneirodalom, zeneművek > ML128.H6 Music and musicology, history of music / Zene, zenetudomány, zenetörténet
Depositing User: Beáta Bavalicsné Kerekes
Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2023 11:27
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2024 12:25

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