Effect of combined drying on the physical properties and bioactive components of ‘Jonathan’ apple (Malus domestica L.)

Antal, Tamás (2023) Effect of combined drying on the physical properties and bioactive components of ‘Jonathan’ apple (Malus domestica L.). ACTA ALIMENTARIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 52 (4). pp. 538-549. ISSN 0139-3006 (print); 1588-2535 (online)

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The main objectives of the present study were to investigate the physical attributes and chemical characteristics of dried apple cubes. The apple cubes were dried in vacuum and infrared dryers at 40 8C and freeze dryer individually and in combination. The physical properties – texture and rehydration – of vacuum drying-assisted freeze-dried apple dices were close to the freeze-dried products. The hardness of vacuum drying-assisted freeze-dried apples was better, by at least 15.8%, than those dried by infraredfreeze, but rehydration capacities were similar. The freeze-dried control samples achieved a lower water activity (0.145) in comparison with infrared, vacuum, and combined dried ones. The infrared-freeze-dried samples retained 3.6 and 11.6% more polyphenols and antioxidant capacity than samples prepared by the other methods. The ascorbic acid content of the freeze-dried samples was significantly higher by about 59% than that of the hybrid dried samples.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: hybrid drying, water activity, rehydration, texture, phenolics, antioxidant activity
Subjects: S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > S1 Agriculture (General) / mezőgazdaság általában
Depositing User: Dr. habil. Tamás Antal
Date Deposited: 03 Oct 2023 06:19
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024 07:50

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