Lila kötetek, zöld naplók : Szemelvények reformátusokról és evangélikusokról Ordass Lajos püspök naplóiból (1948, 1956–1957)

Mirák, Katalin (2023) Lila kötetek, zöld naplók : Szemelvények reformátusokról és evangélikusokról Ordass Lajos püspök naplóiból (1948, 1956–1957). In: Hagyomány, Identitás, Történelem 2022. Reformáció Öröksége (10). Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Hittudományi Kar Egyháztörténeti Kutatóintézet, Budapest, pp. 249-268.


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Lajos Ordass, Lutheran bishop (1901–1978) wrote a diary from the beginning of his episcopate (27 September 1945) until his death, which – hidden in the tower of the Lutheran church in Nagybörzsöny – miraculously survived the decades of dictatorship. Fragmentary between 1945 and 1961, but complete between 1961 and 1978, the first three parts of the series (1948, 1956/1957) were published in 2021. The published diaries do not fundamentally change the current view of Ordass. In all his writings, the bishop is self-identical, he has no pseudonym or disguise, he does not play a role, and he is at most more honest in writing his diaries than in writing his other texts. Although he presumably did not keep diaries exclusively for himself, he may never have imagined that they would one day appear in print. Therefore, he wrote down his opinion of everyone he met in his daily work. The chapters on the Reformed church leadership, Reformed church leaders and pastors are undoubtedly among the most sensitive parts of the diaries. This may seem like a one-sided personalism on the part of the Lutheran bishop, but it is not. Rather, it was the Protestant rivalry and the jealousy of his own church, which Bishop Ordass inherited without being asked, and which goes back many centuries of shared history. The Reformed aspects of the diaries raise questions and may inspire further research. To what extent is the Lutheran bishop’s insight correct and justified? What is the Reformed version of the events described by Ordass?

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: Diary; bishop; Ordass Lajos; Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Hungary; church government; church reaction; totalitarian dictatorship;
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BR Christianity / kereszténység > BR140-1510 History / egyháztörténet
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 08 Nov 2023 09:02
Last Modified: 08 Nov 2023 09:02

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