Stable hydrogen isotope compositions of tourmalines from the Sopron metamorphic complex: Metamorphic closure temperature and fluid composition

Demény, Attila (2023) Stable hydrogen isotope compositions of tourmalines from the Sopron metamorphic complex: Metamorphic closure temperature and fluid composition. CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY, 65 (2). pp. 178-182. ISSN 1788-2281


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Stable hydrogen isotope compositions of metamorphic rocks and minerals can provide information on the origin of metamorphic fluids, which is especially important in systems that had experienced multiple metamorphic events. The Sopron orthogneiss-micaschist complex is a good target as it records signs of Variscan and Alpine metamorphic events as well as Variscan granitic magmatism. In this study tourmaline-bearing rocks (pegmatitic orthogneisses and kyanite-chlorite-muscovite schists) of the Sopron metamorphic complex were sampled and their tourmaline grains were analyzed for stable hydrogen isotope compositions (δ 2 H). The δ 2 H values (−23 ± 1‰, relative to V-SMOW) are in accordance with a fluid flux from devolatilization of subducted, seawater-containing rocks. Tourmaline-chlorite hydrogen isotope fractionations correspond to about 550 °C, indicating that δ 2 H values formed close to peak metamorphic temperatures are preserved without retrograde isotope exchange during cooling.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2023 10:09
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2024 08:44

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