Factors infulencing gait in dual-task walking

Kreska-Korus, Agnieszka and Chmura, Nikola and Młynarczyk, Małgorzata (2023) Factors infulencing gait in dual-task walking. EGÉSZSÉGTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 13 (1). pp. 44-53. ISSN 2063-2142 (In Press)


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Gait with an additional task commonly occurs in everyday life, e.g., simultaneously walking and talking on the phone. The dual-task paradigm (comparison of task performance efficiency under single-task conditions and simultaneous performance of both tasks) has found application in gait research. It is a test that allows assessing the quality of gait in clinical settings but also lets us analyse the quality of gait under the conditions of everyday life. It also allows the identification of people at risk of falling. A review of the available literature and research conducted at the Central Laboratory of Motion Analysis at AWF Krakow has been made, which may be useful for identifying factors that increase the risk of falls.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Dual-task paradigm, gait with additional tasks, spatiotemporal parameters of gait, additional cognitive task, DIVA-gait test, risk factors for falls
Subjects: R Medicine / orvostudomány > RZ Other systems of medicine / orvostudomány egyéb területei
Depositing User: Zsolt Sipos
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2023 10:01
Last Modified: 04 Dec 2023 10:01

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